“We were in the middle of a performance one year when it became clear rain was coming, but the Doppler said we should be able to finish - and pack up - in time. The advent of Doppler radar, he notes, has been very useful. The audience kept edging themselves into the park’s shifting areas of shade.” We tried a matinee performance one year without thinking through the fact that much of our seating area would be in full sun all afternoon.
“Weather doesn’t always cooperate, but thankfully we have a rain venue in the nearby Hope Lutheran Church. “So we have to be mic’d, which we would not have to be indoors,” he says. Outdoor performances are a challenge, admits Wilson, because of city noise such as traffic. The shows are staged in a neighborhood park audiences show up with blankets or lawn chairs. Other than storage spaces for set pieces and a bit of equipment, says Wilson, SiSP is just a concept in the minds of its producers. The company has no facility, no administration, and no staff.